C.I.B Fi Dk Ch Hawkfield’s What’s It to You

born 12.01.2016

blue merle male,
HD A, ED 0/0
SP0, VA0, LTV1
m/[Mc (224bp)]/M (268bp)

Approved mental test, Hamina 16.09.2018 Mia Möller & Riikka Maijanen
+1b,+1b,+1,-2,+1b,+3,-2,+3 total 106 p, gunshot unexperienced

1. Hawkfield’s  2019
2. Irokon 2019
3. Hawkfield’s 2020
4. Blackyblue’s 2020
5. Cinnaberry’s 2020 (smooth)
6. Hawkfield’s 2021

Austin at the SCY database

Ch Be Exclusive’s On a Winter Night Ch Steadwyn Major Triumph Ch Lakefield Lars of Liable
Ch Steadwyn Fashion N’Passions
Twin Acres Priscilla Alden Ch Twin Acres Patrick Henry
Twin Acres Beloved
Ch Hawkfield’s Well Kept Secret Joshren Old King Cole Ch Karava Kempez
Lowerpark Puss in Blue
Shep’s You Are So Precious Ch Shep’s King of Dreams
Steadlyn Cloudbursting

Show results:

1st HP, BOB-puppy, BIS-puppy, Piteå / Sweden, Collie Speciality Show 15.7., George Schogol (GE)
1st HP, BOB-puppy, Piteå IDS / Sweden, 16.7., Gunnar Norlin (SWE)
Jun EXC1, r-CAC, Imatra IDS, 15.4.2017, Charlotte Høier, kennel Swinger (DK)
Intermediate EXC1, CQ, Joensuu 13.8.2017, Janelle W Robbins (AUS)
4th best male, r-CAC,  Helsinki IDS NordW -17 9.12.2017, judge Jadranka Mijatovic, Geantles (CRO)
2nd best male, CAC, r-CACIB (-> CACIB)  Lahti IDS 24.2.2018, judge John R Walsh (IR)
BOB, CAC, CACIB Imatra IDS 31.03.2018, judge Zorica Blomqvist (SE)
2nd best male, CAC, Joensuu 27.5.2018, judge Birte Scheel (DK)
BOB, CAC-> Dk Ch, CACIB  Vejen IDS, DK  22.6.2019, judge Janelle W Robbins (AUS)
2nd best male, r-CAC, Överkalix, SWE, 18.8.2019, Charlotte Høier, kennel Swinger (DK)
BOS, CAC, CACIB -> C.I.B Posusje IDS, BI, 29.8.2023, judge Siniša Sančanin
BOS, CACIB, Crufts 2024 qualified Posusje IDS, BI, 30.8.2023, judge Miodrag Vretenicic
BOS, CAC, CACIB, Sebes IDS, RO 2.9.2023 judge Paul Lawless

What's It to YouNearly 15 weeks