Hawkfield’s Finders Keepers Losers Weepers



born 08.04.2017
blue merle male

cea-free / cea-free
HD B/C (x-ray picture), ED 0/0
SP1, VA0, LTV3
CEA/CEA, DM N/N, Mdr1 -/-
Mc (227b)/M (268bp)

1. Hawkfield’s 2019

Finn at the SCY database

Ch Sunwind’s Hocus Pocus Moonhill’s Here I Go Again Karava Kaffir
Moonhill’s Always in Action
Ch Takanja’s Fearless in Blue Ch HawkEire’s Spirit O’ Barksdale
Ch Ella Fitzgerald av House of Blues
Ch Hawkfield’s It Matters to Me Moonraider’s Dark and Handsome Ch Steadwyn Brazilian Blue
Moonraider’s Dark Angel
Ch Hawkfield’s Well Kept Secret Joshren Old King Cole
Shep’s You Are So Precious

Show results:

4th Best Male, r-CAC, Joensuu, 27.5.2018, Birte Scheel, (DK)
2nd Best Male, r-CAC, Tuusniemi, 30.06.2018, Zorica Blomqvist (SE)
2nd Best Male, CAC, Vantaa Collie Specialty, 28.08.2022, Angela Harvey,Wicani (UK)

13 weeks