C.I.B Ie Fi Ch Hawkfield’s Return to Sender to Joshren at Daliyhaa


born 08.04.2017 tricolour male
cea-free / cea-free
HD A, ED 0/0 (in Finland)
HD 3/5 (by BVA)
SP0, VA0, LTV1
DM/DM, MDR1 -/-, CEA/CEA, Mc/m (226 bp)

Owner: Allan Walsh & Tom Wall, Ireland

Elvis at the SCY database

Elvis -litters
1. Daliyhaa (in Ireland)
2. Daliyhaa (in Ireland)
3. Hawkfield’s (in Finland)
4. Black Gary (in Finland)
5. Dolmaris (in Estonia)

Ch Sunwind’s Hocus Pocus Moonhill’s Here I Go Again Karava Kaffir
Moonhill’s Always in Action
Ch Takanja’s Fearless in Blue Ch HawkEire’s Spirit O’ Barksdale
Ch Ella Fitzgerald av House of Blues
Ch Hawkfield’s It Matters to Me Moonraider’s Dark and Handsome Ch Steadwyn Brazilian Blue
Moonraider’s Dark Angel
Ch Hawkfield’s Well Kept Secret Joshren Old King Cole
Shep’s You Are So Precious

Show result:

BOB-puppy, IKC International day 2, 8.10.2017, Mr. P. Demetriou
Res Green Star, Portadown All Breed Ch, 14.4.18, Mrs J Foley
Res Best Of Breed, Green Star, Mid West All Breed Ch, 21.04.2018, Mr N White
Res Green Star, Munster Canine All Breed Ch, 2.6.2018, Ms J. MacClancy
Res Green Star, IKC International Day 1, 6.10.2018, Mr. Luis Catalan (SP)
BOB, Green Star, IKC International Day 2, 7.10.2018, Mr. M. Lepasaar (EST)
Res Green Star, Bull Breeds All Breed Ch , 29.10.2018, Mrs. A. M. White
Res Best Of Breed, Green Star, Cloghran All Breed Ch, 24.11.2018, Mrs C. Burnett
BOB, BIS Rough Collie Club of Ireland Open Show 24.2.2019, Ms S Walker (UK)
BOB, Green StarCACIB  IKC Celtic Winners Int Show, 16.3.2019, Mr Hadiz (CRO)
Res Green Star, Mid West All Breed Ch, 6.4.2019, Mrs P. Runderkamp (NL)
BOB, Green Star, BIG 1, Sth Tipp All Breed Ch, 5.5.2019, Ms. J. Mijatovic (CRO)
BOB, Green StarCACIB Fermoy All Breed Int Ch, 6.5.2019, Mr. A. Castells Lladosa (SP)
Res Green Star, Hibernian All Breed Ch, 11.5.2019, Mr A. Kelly
BOB, Green Star, BIG 3, Munster All Breed Ch, 1.6.2019, Miss M. O’Sullivan
BOB, Green Star, Scottish Breed Ch, 8.6.2019, Ms L.D. Halldórsdóttir (IS)
BOB, Green StarCACIB IKC International Day 2, 6.10.2019, Mrs. T. Konrad
Open class winner, rCC, Crufts, 7.3.2020, Mr T. Hayward
rCC, Lancs & Cheshire Ch Show, 10/2021, Mrs V. Geddes
BOB, Green Star, IKC All Breed Ch Show, 13-4.11.2021, Mr. G. Cox
BOB, Green StarCACIB IKC St Patrick’s Day International, 20.3.2022, Mrs J. Lawless
BOB, CAC, Lappeenranta all breed 19.6.2022, Mrs A. Lundava

 11 weeks