Hawkfield’s Take Me As I Am

Hawkfield's Take Me As I Am

nearly 2 years


12.07.2014 – 20.10.2017
tricolor male, cea-free / cea-free, HD D, ED 0/0, LTV4 (L8 -> extra vertebra)

Failed mental test, Lappeenranta 10.06.2017 T Matsuoi & T Knuutinen
-2,+1b,-1,-2,+1b,-1b,-2,+3 total -1 p, gunshot unexperienced

Moonraider’s Dark and Handsome Ch Steadwyn Brazilian Blue Ch Zinnia’s Brazilian Carneval
Ch Steadwyn Blissfully Blue
Moonraider’s Dark Angel Old Adam’s Lord Dallas
Madcap’s Dips and Dots
Ch Hawkfield’s Well Kept Secret Joshren Old King Cole Ch Karava Kempez
Lowerpark Puss in Blue
Shep’s You Are So Precious Ch Shep’s King of Dreams
Steadlyn Cloudbursting

Hawkfield's Take Me As I Am

“4 months”